Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dolphin Stone

Since I am currently working on adding my stone collection to my website, I thought I would share with you the story about the creation of my Dolphin piece. This piece is one-of-a-kind, as all of my pieces are since they are originals. I was working with an artist from Zimbabwe named Patrick Kutinyu. We woke early on this particular morning with one purpose - to search for rocks. We must have walked for miles staring and flipping rocks trying to imagine the shape it could take when paired with an artist and his tools. People from the group would often shout my name to come look at the rock and have me give my acknowledgment. There were so many rocks that could ultimately take the shape of anything, depending on one's imagination. Patrick finally found a rock that he was fond of and admired. We both agreed it was a nice piece, big enough that even your grandest desire could come to life. He told me he had an idea of what he wanted to sculpt from the rock. I trusted his talent, and decided I wanted him to surprise me. When an artist is inspired, the most amazing creations become a masterpiece. So, we gathered the rock and hauled it back to civilization. I would spend the next several days visiting Patrick's space where he carved his art. The first day or two I started to see the top of the rock become a distinct pattern, an unfamiliar one at this point. I tried to guess what Patrick's design was going to be, but I never guessed correctly until days later when it unveiled itself. It was a dolphin! It was the most magnificent stone I had ever seen. This piece is exquisite. Anyone who is lucky enough to own this piece is truly a prize winner.

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